
#1 Equipment


This tab consists of a grid and it is possible to establish which and how many equipments have to be used during the production of the phase selected in the 'Phases' tab. Data, that are in the grid, are the following:

Seq.: in this field it is possible to establish the sequence through which the equipment have to be used;
Equipment: through this combo box it is possible to recall the equipment code, shown in the specific 'Equipment' table;
Scheduled: this flag, if active, enables the user to schedule the equipment as it would be a material of list;
Item Class / Code: in these fields it is possible to establish the item class and code. If the user searches item starting from the items help, the same filters automatically only the items that are identified as Equipment in 'Item Nature' field of warehouse register;
Variant: in this column it is possible to insert/view the item Variant;
Quantity: in this column it is possible to insert the item quantity;
Equipment/Item/Variant Description: in these columns it is possible to view the related Descriptions.

BuildDate : 31 marzo 2015

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